This program is a training program for managers, specialists and other employees of organizations, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 902n dated 12/15/2020 "On approval of the Rules on labor protection when working in confined and confined spaces".
The rules on labor protection when working in confined and confined spaces establish state regulatory requirements for labor protection and regulate the procedure for the actions of the employer and employee when organizing and carrying out work in confined and confined spaces.
CLOSED SPACE (room) – a space (room) bounded on all sides by surfaces having hatches (manholes) with dimensions that prevent the free and rapid passage of workers through them and make it difficult air exchangen.
Works refer to works in confined and confined spaces (OZP), if they are carried out on a spatially closed (limited) object that is not intended for permanent residence of employees in it. The size of this object should be sufficient to fully accommodate an employee or employees to perform work in it, but at the same time the entrance(s) to the object or exit (s) from the object are such that the rapid passage of workers through them is difficult, and the air exchange parameters are insufficient to maintain their breathing.
The employer must approve the list of objects related to the OPP before starting work in the OPP.
The lecture is the main part of the training course, the presentation of the training material.
The structure of the lecture is presented as follows:
- "View" tab: text part.
- Slideshow tab: demonstration of a series of images tailored to the topic.
- The "Additional Material" tab: other educational and methodological material, including educational and regulatory documentation, presentations, algorithms, etc.
- The "Video" tab: educational films on the topic of the lecture.
- The "Questions for the lecture" tab: intermediate testing on the topic of the lecture.
All lecture materials are required to study.
To switch from the previous lecture to the next one, use the navigator at the bottom of the page (next lecture and previous lecture).
To return to the content of the training course and proceed to the training and final testing, follow the link on the last page of the final lecture (Conclusion).
Intermediate testing can be completed only once. Next, work on the errors. The results of the intermediate testing do NOT affect the result of the final certification.
The time limit for passing the final test is 20 minutes.
The minimum time to study the course before being able to take the final test is 1 hour.
The maximum allowable number of errors in the final test is 2.
The maximum number of attempts to pass the test per day is 2.
Учебный план
- General provisions
- Labor protection requirements imposed on employees when working in the OSP. Work and rest mode
- Work safety, hazard identification, assessment and risk management during work in the OPP
- Labor protection requirements for the production area, ventilation and electrical equipment
- Labor protection requirements for the performance of work on the cleaning of OPP
- Labor protection requirements for the operation of treatment facilities at storage facilities, transportation and sale of petroleum products
- Labor protection requirements imposed when performing various types of work in the OSP
- Labor protection requirements imposed when performing work at water supply facilities and
- Emergency and rescue operations, evacuation and rescue from the OPP
- Signal signs
- Safety precautions for working in a confined space
- Knowledge check
Формат обучения
Дистанционное обучение. Проводится без отрыва от производства и в сжатые сроки в любом городе РФ.
Для прохождения обучения и получения удостоверения о повышении квалификации или диплома о профессиональной переподготовке, необходимо иметь диплом о высшем или среднем профессиональном образовании.
Какие документы вы получите после обучения
После успешного прохождения обучения и сдачи итогового теста выдается удостоверение установленного образца, действительное во всех регионах Российской Федерации.

ООО «ЦЕНТРСТРОЙКОМПЛЕКС» выражает благодарность за отлично проведенную работу по повышению квалификации и переподготовке наших специалистов.
Сотрудники отметили высокую квалификацию преподавательского состава, четкую и профессиональную работу специалистов ООО УМЦ «СЭМС» при организации учебного процесса, а также качество профессиональных знаний, полученных сотрудниками.
Выражаем свою признательность за Ваш плодотворный труд и желаем ООО УМЦ «СЭМС» дальнейшего процветания и профессиональных побед!